Thursday, November 15, 2007


Smalam gatal2 wat ujian tickle la keputusan yang aku dapat :
Ujian Brain
Liyana, you are Balanced-brained, which means that you rely equally on both the left and right hemispheres of your brain.You have a balanced brain — able to draw on the strengths of both the right and left hemispheres depending on context. Typically, people with balanced right and left hemispheres are very comfortable with switching between local and global perspectives — that is, paying attention to both small details and larger issues when the circumstance indicates. That means they can identify elements that make up an image or situation and also attend to the larger, more holistic pattern or unified whole that those details comprise.
You are able to capitalize on the left hemisphere's skills in verbal communication as well on the right hemisphere's focus on patterns and association making. This rare combination makes you a very creative and flexible thinker.Depending on the situation, you may rely on one hemisphere or the other. Some situations may lend themselves to using your right brain's creativity and flexibility while other situations may call for a more structured approach as dictated by your left brain. That's how your brain processes information. And while your dominant brain hemisphere certainly contributes to the way you process information, there is also a style of learning, unrelated to your dominant hemisphere, that determines the ways in which you are best able to pick up information. When you're learning something new, your dominant brain hemisphere will want to take over. But there are times when the information being presented is not well suited to your dominant hemisphere's abilities. That's why, in addition to your hemispheric dominance, you also have a style of learning that is dominant for you.
Whether you know it or not, you are naturally predisposed to learning things visually, aurally, or through a combination of the two. Your test results show that you are a visual learner. Other balanced-brained people who are visual learners are scientist and theoretician Buckminster Fuller, painter Pablo Picasso, news anchor Tom Brokaw, and scientist Stephen Hawking. But before delving deeper into how you learn, you should get the basics of your brain's physiology.
Ujian Destiny
Liyana, your destiny is to be an Advisor
At your core, you're meant to be an Advisor. You are 75% in line with the Advisor role. This indicates that you are a quiet and reserved person who loves to help others achieve their potential through interpersonal connections. Others value you for your wisdom, integrity, and sound advice, as well as your genuine concern for people's welfare.
You are a thoughtful person, trust your gut feeling about things, and have extremely acute intuition. You are somewhat of a poet in your way of thinking, finding beauty and meaning in simple things. Because of your sensitivity and soft-spoken ways, you may experience mood swings and the inability to get out of bad situations from time to time. Just be aware of that and you will get stuck in fewer unsatisfying ruts.As an Advisor, you are in good company with Martin Luther King, Jr. and Oprah Winfrey.
Just as their destinies have a deep effect on their life paths, your destiny as an Advisor undoubtedly has a profound impact on every aspect of yours.Professional LifeIn your professional life, you will probably have the most joy in a career that allows you to interact with people. You tend to find satisfaction from helping others in their personal development. Whether it is in the area of medicine, teaching, counseling, ministry, or writing, you yearn to have a real impact in making the world a better place one person at a time.
You have an ability to be a productive contributor to any organization and are willing to work hard to make things run smoothly. You tend to be a good listener, work well with others, and thrive in a positive environment. Personal LifeIn your personal life, you may tend to have a few, close friends, rather than a lot of superficial relationships. You would likely make a loyal partner who is affectionate, giving, and empathetic.
You have an incredible capacity for love but a low tolerance for conflict. Advisors tend to be exceptionally devoted parents whose lives revolve around their children. This can be taken to the extreme, and so balance is crucial. Your children would typically feel very loved and cared for, while having a good sense of boundaries because of your firm but reasonable discipline. You long for a tranquil home life.A Day in the Life of an AdvisorBeing an Advisor will manifest itself in the many ways you view life and make decisions.
Hmm...amacam korang rase betol ke...aku rase cam betol pon ade..haha...korang try la gak...

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